Ryrie Online Library

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Writing Topic: Eschatology


-Reading through 1 Corinthians 16:22 -A working through of a sermon entitled Maranatha


-Sermon on the millennium – the only answer to world peace

New Testament Prophetic Scriptures

-Notes on prophecies in the New Testament from Matthew, Romans, Philippians Thessalonians and Revelation -Arguments for the pre-tribulation rapture of the church -Quiz over Revelation

Our Hope

-A look at teaching and preaching prophecy and how that can be turned into practical preaching

Partial Rapture Concept

-Outline of the definition, exponents, framework, chronology, biblical evidence, and problems with the partial rapture view

Peace On Earth

-Notes discussing the millennium based on the song “Peace on Earth”


-Notes on Macpherson and Huebner’s theological writings on the tribulation

Q & A: China

-Answer to the question, “What part will China play in future events?”

Q & A: Rapture

-Q & A -Will the rapture occur before, during, or after the tribulation?

Q & A: Rapture, Tribulation

-Answer to the question, “Where does the word rapture appear in the Bible, and what is the tribulation referring to”