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Writing Topic: Eschatology

Doctrinal Summarization

-Dr. Ryrie’s Doctrinal Summarization presented to the systematic theology faculty at Dallas Theological Seminary 1947

Doctrine 414 Syllabus 1997 (PCB)

-A delineation of the dispensational premillennial position of the Philadelphia College of Bible, including a discussion of the distinct origin, nature and destiny of the Church

Doctrine 452 1999 (PCB)

-A delineation of the dispensational premillennial position of the Philadelphia College of Bible, including a discussion of the distinct origin, nature and destiny of the Church (Exam)

Doctrine 452 Syllabus (PBU)

-A delineation of the dispensational premillennial position of the Philadelphia College of Bible, including a discussion of the distinct origin, nature and destiny of the Church

Ezekiel 33

-A working through of Ezekiel 33:21-33 looking at the meaning of this prophecy and what it brought about

Ezekiel 34

-A talk through Ezekiel 34 emphasizing how God is portrayed through this passage