A Study Of Biblical Giving
-An answer to the question, “Does God ask the same things from a Christian and an Old Testament Saint?”
-An answer to the question, “Does God ask the same things from a Christian and an Old Testament Saint?”
-A practical approach on Christianity in America with an honest look at what can be considered luxuries
-An article giving biblical thoughts on how believers should handle God’s wealth
-Sermon outline for the principles, guidelines, and goals of Christian stewardship
-Scriptural and practical matters concerning Christian stewardship
-Practical and biblical advice regarding family financial planning
-An untitled article that discusses giving to the church
-reading of 1 Corinthians 16:2 and an explanation of how giving should be practiced
-A Christmastime sermon on the principles of giving
-Notes from Philippians 4:10-20
-An essay discussing the principle of tithing in the New Testament
-An examination of the principles and purposes of giving
-Three articles discussing money in the New Testament
-Notes on teachings that highlight things that were priorities for Jesus
-Answers to questions relating to stockpiling food and where believer’s focus should be (1981 -In the heat of the Cold War)
-Essay on how much Christians should stockpile
-Series of sermons from Malachi covering hypocrisy, haughtiness, unfaithfulness, heterodoxy, and robbery
-A challenge to graduates at Colorado Christian University to continue life as mature believers
-Notes on giving, buying, and storing
-An article about materialism that compares the church of Laodecia to modern churches
-Sermon discussing debt and financial principles
-An article in Brigade leader magazine discussing debt in believers’ lives
-Q & A -Social security tax, Personal finance of pastors, Christian testimony
-Q & A on giving
-Q & A: Should pastors pay social security tax?