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Writing Topic: Hamartiology

Depravity Of Israel

-Notes on “The Depravity of Israel,” with its characteristics and consequences,

Doctrinal Summarization

-Dr. Ryrie’s Doctrinal Summarization presented to the systematic theology faculty at Dallas Theological Seminary 1947

Doctrine 352 Exam

-Exam for Do 352 Doctrine II course at PCB Fall 1999 -A study of the biblical doctrines of sin, the substitutionary work of Christ

Doctrine 352 Syllabus

-Course notes and exams for Do 352 Doctrine II course at PCB Fall 2000 -A study of the biblical doctrines of sin, the substitutionary work of Christ

Doctrine 352 Syllabus

-Course notes and exams for Do 352 Doctrine II course at PCB Fall 1998 -A study of the biblical doctrines of sin, the substitutionary work of Christ

Don’t Be Deceived

A sermon outline on why and how we should not be deceived by ourselves or the Devil


-From the book of beginnings, an explanation of several theological concepts that find their beginning in the book of Genesis


-An exploration of many aspects of theology found in the book of Hebrews including priesthood, Christology, anthropology, ecclesiology, worship, faith, God, man, Christ, and the church

Object Lessons

-Personal objects lessons to help teach about God’s care, the Holy Spirit’s work in understanding Scripture, and how sin changes our perceptions

Q & A: Deliver To Satan

-Answer the the question, “What does Paul mean when he advises the church to deliver someone to Satan for the destruction of the flesh?”

Q & A: Sin

-Answer to the question of why God allowed sin in the first place

Q & A: Sin and Punishment

-Q & A -Why did god create us with the capacity to sin, allow us to sin, and then, if we don’t repent, send us to hell?