A Synopsis of Bible Doctrine
-Synopsis of all major doctrines of the Bible including topics from Jesus to the Millennium
-Synopsis of all major doctrines of the Bible including topics from Jesus to the Millennium
-Handwritten notes on Satan’s counterfeit
-An examination of demon activity through looking at Open Satanism and other demon theology
-A look at what demon activity will look like in the last days
-Outline explaining demon defection and destruction in the last days
-Notes and charts on demon activity in the New Testament
-Chart of demon activity in the New Testament
-Compilations of lessons on demonism, including charts in German
-Five discussion questions with verses concerning Satan
-Notes and study questions for theology class focused on angelology
-Notes on how Satan’s lie lives on
-Names of Satan found throughout the Bible
-Q & A -How did an angel in heaven become Satan?
-Sermon on how Satan’s methods are logical, lethal, and like a lion
-A look at Satan’s work in the world and the church
-Notes on Satan the lion from 1 Peter 5
-Notes on four elements of Satan’s character
-An outline of Satan, what caused his fall, and the ways he seeks to deceive believers
-An article describing how Satan will try to twist and distort God’s words in order to create a counterfeit
-Notes on how Satan offers a counterfeit, conflict, and confidence, but how the Christian is able to be armed against his attacks
-Lists of key passages for each major theological doctrine
-An outline walk through of the history and work of the Devil
-An article responding to Dr. Plueddemann and his article on philosophy of teaching
-A talk through several gospel passages reflecting the same historical account of the 2 demoniacs of Gadarenes
-An expression of the idea that this world is of Satan and how believers can change their perspective