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Writing Topic: Commencements & Dedications

Analyzing the Analyses

-An analysis of various statements and analyses that were made about life in which these graduating students will be facing


In a commencement address, Dr. Ryrie informs graduates of the dangers of apostasy throughout life.


-A charge to a young man’s character, message, and motives

Commencement: Ephesians 4-5

-An encouragement to students graduating from Calvary Bible College to walk worthy, a message based in Ephesians 4 and 5

Commencement: PCB & WOL

-A challenge to college graduates from Philadelphia College of Bible and Word of life in the summer of 1997

Especially the Parchments

-A look at the passage in 2 Timothy 4:13 where Paul requests the parchments and discusses how passionate believers should be for the Word of God

Eternal Perspective

-An encouragement to graduates to focus on eternity and set their mind on things of eternity, not things of this earth


-An introduction of Dr. Ryrie by Dr. Joseph K. Pinter Appalachian Bible College January 2005

Mature Living

An encouragement the graduates to live a mature and purposeful life


-A challenge to graduates at Colorado Christian University to continue life as mature believers