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Writing Topic: Theology

Especially the Parchments

-A look at the passage in 2 Timothy 4:13 where Paul requests the parchments and discusses how passionate believers should be for the Word of God


-Evidence against the ideas of evolution and theistic evolution


-An examination of the evolutionary theory, its basis, and its shortcomings

Ezekiel 33

-A working through of Ezekiel 33:21-33 looking at the meaning of this prophecy and what it brought about

Ezekiel 34

-A talk through Ezekiel 34 emphasizing how God is portrayed through this passage

Ezekiel 35

-A continuation of the Ezekiel series looking at chapter 35


-Essay examining Spurgeon’s thoughts on Faith/Conversion


-An examination of faith, including OT terms, NT terms, kinds, and its elements


-Message from acts concerning filling of the Holy Spirit