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Writing Topic: Questions & Answers

Q & A: Sunday

-Answer to the question, “Why do most Christians go to church on Sunday?”

Q & A: Time

-Q & A -What does God say about the stewardship of our time?

Q & A: Tongues

-Q & A -Is speaking in tongues giving the gospel in another language?

Q & A: Unconfessed Sin

-Answer to the question, “If a person dies with unconfessed sin in his life, what happens?”

Q & A: Wine

-Answer to the question, “Was the wine they drank in biblical times the same as people drink today?

Q & A: Witnessing

-Q & A -How do you help someone who says they do not believe the Bible or in the existence of God?

Q &A: Chaperones

-Answer to the question, “Is it wrong for a girl to go on a date without a chaperone?”