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Writing Topic: Commencements & Dedications

Mirages Of Life

-A commencement reminder to students not to focus on the many mirages of life

Modern Galatianism

-A challenge to graduates and staff at Grace Theological Seminary to avoid the idea of Modern Galatianism

Pendulum Swing

-An encouragement to graduates to not swing to one extreme or another, but walk closely with God as the focus.

Quality Service

-A reality check into the world graduates are stepping, but also an encouragement on how to be effective servants for Christ

The Main Thing

-A challenge to a graduating class about keeping the main thing the main thing

Threatening Trends

-A caution to graduates concerning not getting too caught up in the things of the world

Trends In Life

-Thoughts on trends Dr. Ryrie witnessed throughout his life and how this applies to the graduating class

Winners All

-A challenge to the students at Westmont College at graduation