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Book of the Bible: Old Testament


-Mixture of handwritten and typed notes on the book of Malachi


-Verse by verse breakdown of the book of Malachi

Malachi Series

-Series of sermons from Malachi covering hypocrisy, haughtiness, unfaithfulness, heterodoxy, and robbery


-The person of Melchizedek and how he is viewed as a type


-Message of doom, destruction, deliverance, and denunciation from Micah

My People Thy People

-A look through the book of Exodus and how God kept His people Israel, holy unto Himself

Old Testament Prophets

-Overview and handouts for Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Haggai -Side notes on some fallacies in true spirituality

Old Testament Types

-An exploration of Joshua, Moses, and the role of the kinsman-redeemer in the Old Testament as it relates to types

Open Letters

-An article published for The Sunday School Times answering a reader’s questions on Ezekiel