The Work Of the Holy Spirit In Acts
-Series on the Holy Spirit reflected in Acts
-Series on the Holy Spirit reflected in Acts
-Course syllabus and notes for Theology 103C -soteriology
-An introductory discussion of Christology, Soteriology, and Pneumatology
-Exam for Systematic Theology 407
-Outline for Theology 407 course with study questions
-Extensive notes from 2 Peter and Jude
-Sermon on belief taken from John 20:19-31
-Notes from Philippians 3:9-11
-Notes on universalism
-An examination of various views on salvation and the work of the Holy spirit
-Dr. Ryrie’s notes on “Ways to Preach Doctrine”
-Essay on the teachings of Calvinism
-Questions answered concerning salvation and lordship
-Series of doctrinal workshops entitled “What Jesus Believed,” including his Bible, Himself, prayer, sin , money, and the future
-Dr. Ryrie’s essay examining no-orthodoxy, existentialism, Tillich, God is Dead, and situation ethics